This Dataset, Biber et al.'s (2016) set of 150 BNC items for the analysis of dispersion measures: Dataset for "Evaluation of text-level measures of lexical dispersion" (hereafter: Dataset), may be reused according to the CLARIN PUB+BY+LRT license as described below:
Copyright holder: Lukas Sönning
Resource: Biber et al.'s (2016) set of 150 BNC items for the analysis of dispersion measures: Dataset for "Evaluation of text-level measures of lexical dispersion"
The Copyright holders grant the End-User a free, non-exclusive and perpetual (for the duration of the copyright) right to use and make copies of the Resource, distribute copies and present the Resource in public as such, as modified, or as part of a compilation or derived work. The permission applies to all known or future modes and means of communication and includes a right to make modifications enabling the use of the Resource on other devices and in other formats.
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- General Use conditions: BY, LRT
Condition Definitions:
- BY: Attribution, i.e. acknowledgement of authorship, is required.
- LRT: The content is available only for language research and technology development.
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Reused sources:
This Dataset contains analyses of data, but no actual text excerpts, from the following source: